Saturday, March 24, 2018


I've been hiatus for a year, I've been busy with work and among other things. I really miss blogging so I decided to go back in Blogging.

This is a personal blog, so I write anything under the sun, which ever come to my mind. I hope all of you have time to read and visit my blog site. I will promise that each topic will be interesting and you will learn a lot from my blog. 

Keep reading ! 

Home Base Job

I really want to try home base job because I'm working for a private company for almost 20 years and yet I still don't have savings or any investments. Time pressure and stress is the reason why I want to try to work at home.

I need to buy laptop first and a good head set. Do you have any idea or can you give me any tips on how to start to work at the comfort of my home.

I'm still researching,reading blogs and study carefully the do's and don't for work at home. What are the advantage and disadvantages. 

Wish me luck please !
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